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Sahoo, A. K.

  • Efficacy of Edible and Non-edible Oils against Pulse Beetle callosobruchus Chinensis L. in Stored Chickpea

  • Georeferenced Soil Information System: Assessment of Database

  • Development of Soil and Terrain Digital Database for Major Food-Growing Regions of India for Resource Planning

  • Soil Information System: Use and Potentials in Humid and Semi-Arid Tropics

  • Pedotransfer Functions: A Tool for Estimating Hydraulic Properties of Two Major Soil Types of India

  • Natural Resources of the Indo-Gangetic Plains: A Land-Use Planning Perspective

  • Soil Physical Quality of the Indo-Gangetic Plains and Black Soil Region

  • Impacts of Bioclimates, Cropping Systems, Land Use and Management on the Cultural Microbial Population in Black Soil Regions of India

  • Revisiting Agro-Ecological Sub-Regions of India - A Case Study of Two Major Food Production Zones

  • Impacts of Agro-Climates and Land Use Systems on Culturable Microbial Population in Soils of the Indo-Gangetic Plains, India

  • InfoCrop-Cotton Simulation Model - Its Application in Land Quality Assessment for Cotton Cultivation

  • Soil and Land Quality Indicators of the Indo-Gangetic Plains of India

  • Land Evaluation for Major Crops in the Indo-Gangetic Plains and Black Soil Regions Using Fuzzy Model

  • Impact of Management Levels and Land-Use Changes on Soil Properties in Rice-Wheat Cropping System of the Indo-Gangetic Plains